Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Republican Dino Rossi’s powerful special interest backers have already dumped $500,000 into false and misleading attack ads aimed at installing Rossi into the governor’s mansion and bringing their anti-worker, anti-environmental, anti-consumer agenda – that Rossi supported 99% of the time in Olympia – to Washington state.

The BIAW’s outpouring of cash on attack ads for Rossi comes on top of direct contributions from the BIAW, its top leadership and major developers that comprise the BIAW’s membership base. As of June 16th, Rossi has pocketed at least $442,000 directly from these sources, making Olympia’s most powerful special interest lobbyist group the biggest special interest backers of Rossi’s campaign.

“Just like George Bush, Republican Dino Rossi is backed by powerful special interests that are fighting against our state’s environmental protections, and protections for Washington state’s consumers and working families,” said Dwight Pelz, Chair of the Washington State Democratic Party.

Rossi boosted his powerful Olympia special interest backers last week, serving as the keynote speaker and thanking them for all their support at the group’s annual meeting. Brad Spears, president of the BIAW and a top individual contributor to Rossi, introduced the Republican by saying:

“…finally we have an electable candidate who believes as the BIAW believes.”
“There is no other group in Washington state fighting harder against worker, consumer and environmental protections than the BIAW,” added Pelz. “And there is no other politician they’d rather have in Olympia carrying their water than Republican Dino Rossi.”

The BIAW and Rossi espouse the agenda of classic Bush Republicanism – opposing efforts to combat climate change (they don’t acknowledge its existence), supporting unrestrained growth and opposing the state’s Growth Management Act, and siding with powerful developers and against the interests of consumers when it comes to shoddy home construction.

For more information on the real Dino Rossi click

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