Monday, June 30, 2008

Dino Rossi, and others, Try to fool Washington Voters

As many of you may know, Republicans in the State of Washington are trying to run under false pretenses. Thanks to a new top 2 voting system (which has many other flaws other than the one I'm about to talk about) has allowed candidates for office to choose the party affiliation that is presented next to their name. This seems fair enough, until candidates, who are members of a party, hide the fact that they are a member of it.

Dino Rossi is one of those who fits into the catagory of trying to deceive the voters. Instead of listing himself as a member of the Republican Party, which he is a registered member of and has been nominated by, Dino Rossi instead wants to list that he is GOP, trying to avoid any bad association that comes from being a Republican.

Curtis Fackler, who is running for insurance commissioner and is a registered Republican, put it best: “There’s 30 percent of people in the state that would not vote for a Republican no matter what, and we want to go around that.” Fackler admits that republicans want to get around people's lack of desire to vote for them, hoping that they may receive votes by accident and then win. This really is republican politics at its finest. “Dino Rossi and these folks that are trying to hide the ball … they’re trying to hide who they are, what they stand for, where they come from. I think it’s shameful,” said Dwight Pelz, chairman of the Washington state Democratic Party.

Dino Rossi did fire back. He tried to pin this one on the democrats: “It’s showing on the Democrats’ part how little they think of the voters of the state of Washington, that they somehow don’t know the GOP means Republican. It’s kind of insulting to the voters, I think.” Well, this sort of begs the question: if you arent trying to deceive the voters, then why are you running as GOP? If you don't think this will trick people, then why do it Dino? Why do you feel the need to lie about your party allegiance?

To see the full video of interviews, check out these Dino Rossi Videos

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