Thursday, June 26, 2008

Rossi Transportation Plan based on Faulty Stats

It is no doubt that Seattle has it congestion problems, what city doesn't. But Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Dino Rossi is trying to win voters by exagerating the congestion and then giving a solution to a problem that does not exist. Ignoring some of the myriad of problems that this plan has (check out The Real Dino Rossi for the inadequacies of Dino Rossi's Transportation plan), it turns out the the data that the Rossi campaign relies on is from a survey conducted by a huge supporter of Rossi.

The information Rossi is relying upon, about Seattle's traffic problems, comes from the National Traffic Scorecard by Kirklind-based Inrix that places Seattle among the top 10 most congested metropolitan areas in the U.S. (Seattle ranks No. 9). The report also names the Highway 520 corridor — from Seattle across the Evergreen Point Bridge on Lake Washington to Kirkland and Redmond — as the wost traffic bottleneck in the region.

This seems like great evidence for Rossi, but it turns out that back in February, Inrix CEO Bryan Mistele contributed nearly the maximum of $2,800 to the Rossi campaign. The money's nice, but Mistele's bigger contribution might turn out to be the congestion report. This seriously calls into question the credibility of the seriousness of the congestion problem that Rossi is basing his campaign upon. It also continues to prove what we already knew DINO ROSSI IS A SLAVE TO SPECIAL INTEREST

For more information, and the article that was the major source for this post, click here

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