Monday, June 23, 2008

Rossi on Choice

SEATTLE – A new report released today shows that pharmacies across Washington state are denying women access to emergency contraception, either by refusing to stock the prescription or by refusing to dispense it. The report once again underscores the high stakes for Washingtonians in the upcoming governor’s race – as the contrast on the issue of Plan B access could not be starker.

Background: Before Republican Dino Rossi’s announcement of his 2008 candidacy for governor, Rossi’s spokesperson said he’d be “happy to discuss” his position on access to emergency contraception, without undue delay or hassle based on a pharmacist’s imposition of their personal religious beliefs. After avoiding the topic for nearly a week, Rossi’s spokesperson finally admitted he backs allowing interference in these private medical decisions between a doctor and a patient. But Rossi also refused to be interviewed on the topic directly.

“Republican Dino Rossi does everything possible to conceal his extreme views on a woman’s right to choose, but he can’t escape his record,” said Washington State Democratic Party Chair Dwight Pelz. “Rossi has made clear he supports allowing pharmacists to insert their personal religious beliefs into the private relationship between a woman and her doctor, just as he would insert his own personal religious beliefs to take away a woman’s right to choose.”

Throughout the 2004 campaign, Republican Dino Rossi ducked and dodged questions regarding his extreme anti-choice views, offering statements like “I’m not running for US Supreme Court” and “I’m not running on that issue.” Today, Rossi continues to conceal his extreme position even though his record shows he’d eliminate a woman’s right to choose, if he had the chance. The ideological reconfiguration of the US Supreme Court by George W. Bush makes the potential threat from a Governor Rossi particularly acute.

“Voters deserve to know what specific religious roadblocks Republican Dino Rossi would erect as governor to block a woman’s right to choose,” said Pelz.

For more information on Rossi's views on a woman's right to choose, check out The Real Dino Rossi

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