Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Republican Dino Rossi’s powerful special interest backers have already dumped $500,000 into false and misleading attack ads aimed at installing Rossi into the governor’s mansion and bringing their anti-worker, anti-environmental, anti-consumer agenda – that Rossi supported 99% of the time in Olympia – to Washington state.

The BIAW’s outpouring of cash on attack ads for Rossi comes on top of direct contributions from the BIAW, its top leadership and major developers that comprise the BIAW’s membership base. As of June 16th, Rossi has pocketed at least $442,000 directly from these sources, making Olympia’s most powerful special interest lobbyist group the biggest special interest backers of Rossi’s campaign.

“Just like George Bush, Republican Dino Rossi is backed by powerful special interests that are fighting against our state’s environmental protections, and protections for Washington state’s consumers and working families,” said Dwight Pelz, Chair of the Washington State Democratic Party.

Rossi boosted his powerful Olympia special interest backers last week, serving as the keynote speaker and thanking them for all their support at the group’s annual meeting. Brad Spears, president of the BIAW and a top individual contributor to Rossi, introduced the Republican by saying:

“…finally we have an electable candidate who believes as the BIAW believes.”
“There is no other group in Washington state fighting harder against worker, consumer and environmental protections than the BIAW,” added Pelz. “And there is no other politician they’d rather have in Olympia carrying their water than Republican Dino Rossi.”

The BIAW and Rossi espouse the agenda of classic Bush Republicanism – opposing efforts to combat climate change (they don’t acknowledge its existence), supporting unrestrained growth and opposing the state’s Growth Management Act, and siding with powerful developers and against the interests of consumers when it comes to shoddy home construction.

For more information on the real Dino Rossi click

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Dino Rossi Steals Emails

Dino Rossi has been caught using email lists from the Everett AquaSox. Dino Rossi, a part owner in the club, used his owner status to get the email server list from the organization. This list, intended purely for sending information about the team, was then used by the Rossi Campaign to send out invitations to a Dino Rossi fund raiser.

Peter A. and Peter E. Carfagna of the AquaSox apologized to fans Tuesday hours after Rossi’s campaign sent out invites to 5,500 addresses on the list.

The Carfagnas wrote:

“We recently learned that our personal privacy policy was compromised in an attempt to solicit your support for a partisan political fundraiser.

In that regard, on behalf of our family ownership group, we would like to express our sincere apologies.

Although we did not authorize this communication nor were we aware of it in advance, we have justifiably received numerous complaints from you expressing your displeasure. We take full responsibility and again beg your pardon."

This demonstrates how Dino Rossi and his close staffers value the privacy of the people of Washington State. If Dino Rossi cannot even be trusted as an owner of a single A baseball team, then how can we trust him to run a State? If he is unwilling to respect basic contract and privacy policies, can Dino Rossi really be trusted to not violate the same privacy and state constitution in favor of his own political ends?

Monday, June 30, 2008

Dino Rossi, and others, Try to fool Washington Voters

As many of you may know, Republicans in the State of Washington are trying to run under false pretenses. Thanks to a new top 2 voting system (which has many other flaws other than the one I'm about to talk about) has allowed candidates for office to choose the party affiliation that is presented next to their name. This seems fair enough, until candidates, who are members of a party, hide the fact that they are a member of it.

Dino Rossi is one of those who fits into the catagory of trying to deceive the voters. Instead of listing himself as a member of the Republican Party, which he is a registered member of and has been nominated by, Dino Rossi instead wants to list that he is GOP, trying to avoid any bad association that comes from being a Republican.

Curtis Fackler, who is running for insurance commissioner and is a registered Republican, put it best: “There’s 30 percent of people in the state that would not vote for a Republican no matter what, and we want to go around that.” Fackler admits that republicans want to get around people's lack of desire to vote for them, hoping that they may receive votes by accident and then win. This really is republican politics at its finest. “Dino Rossi and these folks that are trying to hide the ball … they’re trying to hide who they are, what they stand for, where they come from. I think it’s shameful,” said Dwight Pelz, chairman of the Washington state Democratic Party.

Dino Rossi did fire back. He tried to pin this one on the democrats: “It’s showing on the Democrats’ part how little they think of the voters of the state of Washington, that they somehow don’t know the GOP means Republican. It’s kind of insulting to the voters, I think.” Well, this sort of begs the question: if you arent trying to deceive the voters, then why are you running as GOP? If you don't think this will trick people, then why do it Dino? Why do you feel the need to lie about your party allegiance?

To see the full video of interviews, check out these Dino Rossi Videos

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Rossi Transportation Plan based on Faulty Stats

It is no doubt that Seattle has it congestion problems, what city doesn't. But Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Dino Rossi is trying to win voters by exagerating the congestion and then giving a solution to a problem that does not exist. Ignoring some of the myriad of problems that this plan has (check out The Real Dino Rossi for the inadequacies of Dino Rossi's Transportation plan), it turns out the the data that the Rossi campaign relies on is from a survey conducted by a huge supporter of Rossi.

The information Rossi is relying upon, about Seattle's traffic problems, comes from the National Traffic Scorecard by Kirklind-based Inrix that places Seattle among the top 10 most congested metropolitan areas in the U.S. (Seattle ranks No. 9). The report also names the Highway 520 corridor — from Seattle across the Evergreen Point Bridge on Lake Washington to Kirkland and Redmond — as the wost traffic bottleneck in the region.

This seems like great evidence for Rossi, but it turns out that back in February, Inrix CEO Bryan Mistele contributed nearly the maximum of $2,800 to the Rossi campaign. The money's nice, but Mistele's bigger contribution might turn out to be the congestion report. This seriously calls into question the credibility of the seriousness of the congestion problem that Rossi is basing his campaign upon. It also continues to prove what we already knew DINO ROSSI IS A SLAVE TO SPECIAL INTEREST

For more information, and the article that was the major source for this post, click here

Monday, June 23, 2008

Rossi needs to tell the truth to voters

Saying one thing and voting the opposite is lying through action

A little over a week ago, Pullman was graced by the presence of Republican gubernatorial candidate Dino Rossi. Several news organizations reported on the event, noting Rossi’s highly appealing political rhetoric. According to the Washington State Labor Council’s Web site,, Rossi’s said, “You can be fiscally conservative and still have a social conscience.” In many ways, that statement encompasses the backbone of his campaign.

Rossi likes to identify as a progressive moderate – the sort of middle ground that can appeal to both Republicans and Democrats alike. This is why I took an interest in Rossi, because I identify myself as progressive. What does progressive mean exactly? It can be vague but it means I believe in positive social change, and I choose to act accordingly. The latter is the most important, because individuals in politics often say things that sound appealing to garner support; that’s what political rhetoric is.

For this reason, I find it somewhat disturbing when journalistic establishments parrot the same rhetoric in their respective papers. Part of the responsibility of writing about politics with integrity is comparing what the candidate says with what he or she does. The best way to determine a true political agenda is to simply examine the voting record.

In 2003 Rossi voted to dramatically reduce unemployment benefits. He also voted to freeze minimum wage, and adopt federal standards for hours and compensation. In 2002, Rossi voted against a bill that would have granted collective bargaining rights to UW student academic employees, four-year college faculty and employees of the state.

In 2001, Rossi voted “against implementation of the state ergonomic safety rule; and against prohibiting public employers from firing or misclassifying employees to avoid providing benefits.” Maybe it’s just me, but the last three years of Rossi’s voting record in the Senate hardly exemplify a moderate.

Put yourself in Rossi’s shoes for a moment. This is a man who is a self-made millionaire, which is the reason he can afford to run. He embodies the bootstrap mentality of the American dream. It’s no surprise then that Rossi’s voting record is 99 percent conservative. No surprise either that someone like Ed Schweitzer – another self-made man – would support Rossi and host him here in Pullman.

Sadly, the reality of living in a capitalist society is that not everyone can “make it” the way Rossi did. A lot of people work their entire lives and never see the same type of success. For that reason, it makes little sense for someone in Rossi’s position to represent a working-class public. That’s why his campaign is built from the ground up to portray him as socially sensitive. That’s also the reason Rossi has followed the trend of “going green,” placing a heavy emphasis on environmental issues.

However, his massive plan to expand roads and highways runs counter to his environmental claims. Rossi may say his congestion relief plan will “eliminate millions of tons of carbon emissions produced by cars stuck in traffic,” but the facts suggest otherwise. A 2007 study published by Sightline concluded that “every extra one-mile stretch of lane added to a congested highway will increase climate-warming CO2 emissions more than 100,000 tons over 50 years.”

Like a lot else in Rossi’s campaign, this plan is anything but socially sensitive. However, that doesn’t prevent him from touting it as such. In essence, Rossi says whatever he thinks will be most appealing to the most people. Rossi can say whatever the voters want to hear, but his track record speaks for itself.

Even McCain Knows Rossi is Wrong

SEATTLE – Republican Presidential candidate John McCain will bring his campaign to give Americans a 3rd Bush term to Washington state next week to discuss his efforts to fight global climate change. And while McCain’s campaign suggests his visit to the green-friendly Northwest will boost his faux “maverick bona fides,” McCain must not have coordinated his message with Republican Dino Rossi, whose abysmal record on global climate change and outright denial of a scientific consensus for action puts him severely at odds with both McCain and an overwhelming majority of Washingtonians.

McCain has openly repudiated deniers of global warming in campaign stops across America, suggesting to the Rossis of the world that “the debate is over.” And while Rossi sarcastically dismisses the issue, McCain has even purchased paid campaign advertising declaring “the time is past when we argue about whether climate change is real or not.”

The contrast between McCain and anti-science Neanderthal Rossi on climate change couldn’t be any sharper:

Rossi: “…there’s still a lot of debate going on this, we see it out there and there’s going to be a big debate coming up in the next two, three years. Because there are, you know, I’ve listened to other scientists who disagree with, you know, I know – why are people even bothering about long term planning if Al Gore says the world is going to end in ten years or fifteen years – but there are a lot of scientists that disagree.” [Port Orchard Chamber of Commerce, 3/8/07]

McCain: I think the time is past when we argue about whether climate change is real or not. We have an obligation to future generations to take action and fix it.” [McCain New Hampshire Radio Ad, November 2007]

McCain: The overwhelming majority of scientific opinion in America today and in the world is that climate change is real. The fact is that it is real … and I believe that we have an obligation, as do increasing numbers of the evangelical community, that we have an obligation to the stewardship of this earth, and I’ll be glad to exchange scientific information with you, but in my view, the debate is over.” [McCain Town Hall, Spartanburg, SC, 2/18/07]
Rossi’s denial of global warming and his abysmal record on climate change lines up exactly with his ultra-conservative, right-wing building industry backers, who have built Rossi’s political career from the ground up. The BIAW has touted their efforts to fight action on global warming in Washington state, listing opposition to Gov. Gregoire’s climate change legislation and election of Republican Dino Rossi as top priorities in the battle.

“While Gov. Gregoire continues her strong leadership to address climate change, Republican Dino Rossi is stuck in the Stone Age – with an abysmal record and extreme far-right allies that leave no doubt he would reverse our substantial progress on this critical issue,” said Kelly Steele, spokesman for the Washington State Democratic Party. “Despite an overwhelming scientific consensus and the strong desire of Washingtonians for action, Rossi continues to oppose efforts to address global warming pollution – further evidence that we simply can’t trust Rossi with our future.”

So will McCain set “Dino the Denier” straight on global climate change during his visit?

For more information on Rossi's environmental policies, visit The Real Dino Rossi.

Rossi Transportation Plan

SEATTLE – Republican Dino Rossi is living a transportation fantasy – full of inaccurate and misleading numbers, incorrect assumptions and based on a form of arithmetic that a third-grader could debunk.

“Republican Dino Rossi is living in a land of make-believe,” said Washington State Democratic Party Chairman Dwight Pelz. “Rossi has taken one of the most serious issues in Washington state and offered a fantasy transportation plan with made-up numbers, trying to fool Washingtonians – and we simply can’t trust Rossi with our transportation future.”

Rossi’s Fantasy Land: Independent transportation experts have already dismissed Rossi’s plan as “complete silliness.” Today’s Seattle Times:

“Mark Hallenbeck, director of the Washington state Transportation Center at the University of Washington, said Rossi's numbers are ‘completely divorced from reality.’"

“"He lowballs almost all the estimates and never says where all the funds are going to come from. It's a political statement. It's complete silliness,’ Hallenbeck said.”
In addition, Rossi’s transportation fantasy includes the following major, fatal flaws:

Rossi’s 520 Fantasy: We can build an eight-lane 520 bridge for less than a six-lane bridge.

Reality: Not only does this defy common sense, it is factually incorrect. Every Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) cost estimate shows construction of an eight-lane bridge is more expensive than a six-lane bridge. WSDOT has determined that billions of additional dollars in construction would be required to build new lanes on I-5 and I-405 to relieve the additional congestion created by an eight-lane 520 bridge, costs that Rossi doesn’t factor into his eight-lane cost estimate. WSDOT also notes that major demolition of downtown Seattle buildings would be required to construct new lanes on I-5 to accommodate an eight-lane 520 bridge, costs and impacts Rossi does not account for. [Seattle PI, 4/13/2004]
Rossi’s Alaskan Way Viaduct Fantasy: My plan could build a “tunnel-lite” replacement for the Alaskan Way Viaduct for $2.7 billion.

Reality: No detailed cost estimate of the City of Seattle’s proposed “tunnel-light” Viaduct replacement has been performed by the state. Where did Rossi get his number? Additionally, City of Seattle voters rejected the construction of a tunnel replacement for the Viaduct in March of 2007. Furthermore, WSDOT has rejected the “tunnel-light” design as unsafe. [WSDOT]
Rossi’s Sound Transit Fantasy: We can use east King County’s Sound Transit money to build highway lanes.

Reality: Rossi says he doesn’t want the state to meddle in local transit decisions, yet Rossi’s plan does exactly that. By redirecting Sound Transit revenue set aside for east King County transit projects, Rossi’s plan violates current Sound Transit policy and would require a public vote. Current Sound Transit policy prohibits expenditure of transit revenue to construct highway HOV lanes and revenue can only be expended on transit projects that have been approved by voters. By siphoning off east King County’s transit funding, Rossi’s is telling eastside residents to say goodbye to their desire for light rail and improved express bus service.
“Gov. Gregoire is delivering real results after years of transportation neglect that was the result of Republican Dino Rossi and his GOP allies’ refusal to invest in transportation in the 1990’s,” added Pelz. “Throughout his career, Rossi has exerted zero leadership and was a major roadblock in Olympia to transportation improvements. Gov. Gregoire has her foot firmly planted on the gas pedal, completing safety and congestion relief projects that will get our state moving again. Washington can’t trust Rossi to continue with the historic progress we are making in taking on transportation challenges.”

For more information on Rossi's transportation plan, visit The Real Dino Rossi

Rossi the Hypocrite

SEATTLE – Unaware of Gov. Gregoire's intention to forego campaigning until the end of the upcoming bill signing period, Republican Dino Rossi's campaign issued a challenge last week that they’ll probably end up wishing they hadn’t, given Rossi's history of using campaign finance loopholes for his own personal and political benefit.

In a Feb. 28th press release, Rossi called on Gov. Gregoire to voluntarily abstain from fundraising until the completion of bill signing:
Even if a loophole allows this to legally take place, Gov. Gregoire should make a personal decision to uphold the integrity of our state government’s lawmaking system.”
This is particularly ironic and hypocritical, because even though a loophole allowed it to legally take place, Rossi has repeatedly refused to make public the finances and identity of high-dollar donors to his sham non-profit, Forward Washington Foundation, which was nothing more than an unregulated front group for his 2008 gubernatorial bid.

Today, Washington State Democratic Party Chair Dwight Pelz renewed his call for Rossi to honor the spirit of the law by finally coming clean and opening the books from his campaign front group – a call also made by the editorial board of The Seattle Times and even the PDC commissioners that voted to acquit Rossi, who suggested they were powerless to regulate Rossi’s activities due to a “loophole” in the law.

“Republican Dino Rossi’s lectures are akin to his draft-dodging friend George W. Bush questioning the patriotism of war hero John Kerry,” said Washington State Democratic Party Chair Dwight Pelz.

Rossi used the foundation to finance his travel across the state in 2007 and give speeches in front of GOP audiences and other friendly interest groups, as well as to pay himself and his campaign political operatives’ salaries.

“Republican Dino Rossi raised and spent tens of thousands of dollars campaigning, while using a loophole to conceal the identities of his political patrons through a tax-sheltered foundation,” said Pelz. “Rossi should now follow his own advice and live up to the spirit of Washington state’s campaign finance laws by finally opening the books on his sham, tax-sheltered campaign front group.”

What others have said about Rossi’s activities (keep in mind, the PDC Commissioners voted to acquit him):

  • Seattle Times editorial: “Even if it is not technically required, Rossi ought to announce contributors and the amounts donated.”
  • PDC Commissioner Earl Tilly: "Since this is my swansong this is going to be a difficult one for me to decide which way to go on because I really felt that there was a candidacy here all the time. … But, you know, it has been proven that they met the code of Washington, so I'm going to vote for to you know in addition to second, I'm going to support the motion, but I do feel that there is a – there's a loophole here."
  • PDC Commissioner Ken Schellberg: "But one would hope that an organization that, again, was operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare, promoting the common goals and general welfare of the people of the community, one would hope that that sort of organization would be proud to disclose their donor lists. And I would hope that perhaps Forward Washington might think of that. It would certainly defuse the issue in my mind."
  • PDC Commissioner Bill Brumsickle: "I wonder what people involved in this really, you know, were trying to do. However, it appears to me after five months of investigations that the staff has determined that there were no violations, how shady that might be I don't know, but I'm going to support the motion."
For more information, visit The Real Dino Rossi.

More evasion and secrecy from Republican Dino Rossi

SEATTLE – Leading up to Washington’s caucuses, Gov. Chris Gregoire was open with voters about her presidential preference in the historic 2008 election, endorsing Senator Barack Obama. In today’s presidential primary, Republican Dino Rossi continues to conceal his choice for president from Washingtonians. Why?

The answer: Republican Dino Rossi has decided his presidential preference, but flatly refuses to disclose who he’s supporting. After being asked repeatedly by the Seattle Times’ David Postman, Rossi stuck to his policy of only answering media questions he decides deserve an answer. (Questions Rossi doesn’t want to answer constitute the media and others conspiring to “knock him off message.”)

Postman: “Rossi wouldn’t tell me who he backs for president. He said he’d vote in Tuesday’s primary, but said in a couple of different ways that he had no interest in letting me know his choice among the Republican field. … He said he will ‘stay on message’ no matter what. And the presidential race isn’t part of that.”
Recently, Rossi also flatly refused an interview regarding his views on Plan B contraception, likely due to fears of discussing his extreme social agenda that threatens to eliminate a woman’s right to choose in pro-choice Washington state.

By contrast, in a February 8th AP interview, Gov. Gregoire noted that taking a stand in the Democratic nomination wasn’t an easy decision, but was one where she owed it to Washingtonians to be open and honest.

“Lots of people said, 'Just stay out of it,' said Gregoire. But all of my friends are going to caucus on Saturday and will be asked to make up their mind, so why shouldn't I?”

Since Dino is so reluctant to discuss his views, the Democratic Party has put up a website explaining his record on many issues. Click here to get The Real Facts on Dino Rossi

Dino's Fiscal Nightmares

SEATTLE – Since inheriting the aftermath of Republican Dino Rossi’s budget when she took office in January 2005, Governor Chris Gregoire has dramatically improved a multi-billion dollar projected six-year deficit through 2009, while restoring investments in education and children’s health care and helping create 222,000 new jobs – resulting in one of the lowest unemployment rates in state history.

In 2007, Gregoire pushed for a Rainy Day fund that was overwhelmingly approved by voters in the November election. The constitutionally-protected fund will eventually grow to over $1 billion and be available in an emergency or economic downturn.

By contrast, the Washington State Office of Financial Management estimated in early 2004 that Rossi’s 2003-2005 signature budget would “most likely” lead to a deficit of over $3 billion in 2009 and projected a “worst case” scenario deficit of over $5 billion. Upon taking office, Gov. Gregoire faced up to an immediate $2.2 billion hole, and a $5.0 billion 6-year deficit in the aftermath of Rossi’s sham budget.

“Republican Dino Rossi’s sham budget left a sea of red ink in his wake,” said Washington State Democratic Chair Dwight Pelz. “Not only did Rossi cut programs important to Washington’s children and seniors, but the Rossi Deficit left our state headed toward a fiscal trainwreck. Gov. Gregoire’s leadership has created jobs and provided economic stimulus that has kept our state from succumbing to the enormous sea of red ink Rossi left behind.”

Rossi supported cuts to education funding of more than $1 billion, dramatic cuts to health care for low-income children, environmental cleanup programs and prescription drug benefits for seniors, among other priorities of Washington citizens.

Gov. Gregoire has restored Rossi’s cuts to education, health care and class size and also successfully implemented economic stimulus programs to strengthen Washington state’s economy. Gregoire created an Economic Development Strategic Reserve Account to help keep businesses in Washington, advanced life science research by creating the Life Sciences Discovery Fund and expanded apprenticeship programs to increase the state’s skilled workforce.

Today, Washington State has one of the lowest unemployment rates in 30 years, a lower tax burden on citizens than 35 other states according to the Washington State Budget and Policy Center and thriving tourism, wine and aerospace industries.

For more information on Dino Rossi's Fiscal Responsibility, go to The Real Dino Rossi

Rossi on Choice

SEATTLE – A new report released today shows that pharmacies across Washington state are denying women access to emergency contraception, either by refusing to stock the prescription or by refusing to dispense it. The report once again underscores the high stakes for Washingtonians in the upcoming governor’s race – as the contrast on the issue of Plan B access could not be starker.

Background: Before Republican Dino Rossi’s announcement of his 2008 candidacy for governor, Rossi’s spokesperson said he’d be “happy to discuss” his position on access to emergency contraception, without undue delay or hassle based on a pharmacist’s imposition of their personal religious beliefs. After avoiding the topic for nearly a week, Rossi’s spokesperson finally admitted he backs allowing interference in these private medical decisions between a doctor and a patient. But Rossi also refused to be interviewed on the topic directly.

“Republican Dino Rossi does everything possible to conceal his extreme views on a woman’s right to choose, but he can’t escape his record,” said Washington State Democratic Party Chair Dwight Pelz. “Rossi has made clear he supports allowing pharmacists to insert their personal religious beliefs into the private relationship between a woman and her doctor, just as he would insert his own personal religious beliefs to take away a woman’s right to choose.”

Throughout the 2004 campaign, Republican Dino Rossi ducked and dodged questions regarding his extreme anti-choice views, offering statements like “I’m not running for US Supreme Court” and “I’m not running on that issue.” Today, Rossi continues to conceal his extreme position even though his record shows he’d eliminate a woman’s right to choose, if he had the chance. The ideological reconfiguration of the US Supreme Court by George W. Bush makes the potential threat from a Governor Rossi particularly acute.

“Voters deserve to know what specific religious roadblocks Republican Dino Rossi would erect as governor to block a woman’s right to choose,” said Pelz.

For more information on Rossi's views on a woman's right to choose, check out The Real Dino Rossi